Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Important Announcement


Untuk pengetahuan semua, tuan punya blog ini dengan sesuke hati telah mengalihkan segala postingnya disini ke sebuah blog yang baru. Ini adalah kerana tuan punya blog ini mengade ngade nak try gune wordpress dan sudah tertarik ngan template wordpress yang kemas dan tersusun jika dibandingkan dengan blogger ini. Maka dengan ini diisytiharkan bahawa blog ini tidak akan dihapdet lagi dan segala posting terbaru akan bermula di sini.
Disini juga, tuan punya blog ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada blogger di atas khidmat yang diberikan sejak 2003. Segala jasa blogger selama ini mungkin akan dihargai. Sekian, terima kasih.

FYI. the owner of this blog had just moved all of his posting here to a new blog. This is because the owner purposely want to try to use wordpress and had been seduce to use it because of the nice template and arrangement, compared to blogger. So without further a due the owner would like to announce that he will no longer update this blog and all new posting will be posted here.
The owner of this blog would also like to thank blogger for their service which had been used since 2003. The owner of this blog might appreciate all of the services provided by blogger . Thats all folks, thank you.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Crappy League

"Justice League in Smallville"

Muahahahahah....best best best...dan best....antara episode smallville yang best giler....intro to justice league.....green arrow, cyborg, aquaman, impulse(The Flash), Boyscout(Superman/Clark Kent).....giler ahh....akoo cam org gile bile tgk episode neh....tgk dlm you tube plak tue....huhuhuhuhuh...sedih betul...sejak pakai laptop neh...makin kurang aktiviti mendonlod....huhuhuhuhuhu....

Info pasal season 6 yg akoo rembat dari Smallville Official Website:-
Now beginning its sixth season, this new interpretation of the enduring Superman mythology and its classic characters blends realism and adventure into an exciting action series. This season, Clark Kent (Tom Welling, "Cheaper By the Dozen") and Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum, "Sorority Boys") have become the sworn enemies that comic book aficionados have always known and loved.

Seventeen years ago, a meteor shower burst from the heavens, raining destruction on the unsuspecting citizens of Smallville, Kansas. Clark's transition from boyhood to manhood has been particularly difficult. He has struggled to come to grips with his emerging superpowers -- and the effects of various forms of kryptonite -- while battling the strange things that have plagued this idyllic Midwest hamlet since the meteor shower.

In last season's finale, Brainiac (James Marsters, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Angel") unleashed a deadly computer virus upon the world while Zod, an evil Kryptonian responsible for the destruction of that planet, took over Lex's body. Lex was imbued with special abilities much like Clark's. Lex confided in Lana (Kristin Kreuk, "Earthsea") about his new powers, and the two grew closer. Clark realized the only way to stop Zod was to kill Lex with a crystalline dagger given to him by Jor-El. Finding he couldn't murder his former friend, Clark instead impales Brainiac with it, inadvertently opening the portal to Zod. This explosion ultimately sends Clark to The Phantom Zone, leaving Lex/Zod to rule the world. Lois (Erica Durance, "The Butterfly Effect 2") and Martha (Annette O'Toole, "Superman II") were left unconscious on a LuthorCorp jet that was about to crash, while Lionel (John Glover, "Batman and Robin," "Annie Hall") and Chloe (Allison Mack, "My Horrible Year!") were trapped in a limo surrounded by rioters.

This season Clark must battle his way out of the Phantom Zone. Thrown into this Kryptonian jail created by Jor-El, Clark finds himself without powers and surrounded by revenge-seeking criminals sent away by his father. Jor-El's old assistant, a young woman named Raya (guest star Pascale Hutton), comes to his aid in the Phantom Zone and helps Clark escape. Unfortunately, there may have been others who escaped with him.

The guardians of Clark's secret identity have always been his adoptive parents, Jonathan (John Schneider, "The Dukes of Hazzard") and Martha Kent. However, last season, Jonathan died of a heart attack after discovering Lionel knew Clark's secret. Clark feels responsible for his death and has a difficult time adjusting to the loss. Martha took over Jonathan's Senate seat and hired Lois to be her chief-of-staff. This season, Martha continues to adjust to life without Jonathan, but is conflicted about her growing feelings for Lionel. Though Lionel has offered to help Clark, Martha is unsure of his motives.

Lana felt utterly betrayed by Clark last season and turned to Lex for comfort. Encouraged by Lex's openness, she vowed to stand by him. This season, their relationship gets serious, widening the gap between Lana and Clark. While Lex loves Lana, he is still driven by his ambitions and continues down the path of evil. Though he promised to always tell Lana the truth, he realizes some things need to stay a secret in order to maintain his relationship with her.

Clark and Lex's friendship has completely dissolved, and the two have become enemies, forcing Clark to work harder to protect his secret. On top of the fact that Lex stole Lana from him, Clark sees the dangerous path Lex is taking and vows to stop him. This season, best friends turn into bitter enemies battling the very forces of good and evil.

Additionally, there is a new billionaire in town with the arrival of DC Comics character Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow (Justin Hartley, "Passions"). Although he has no superpowers, Oliver is a gifted archer who qualified for the U.S. Olympic team, but chose to put his skills to work as the "emerald archer." He steals ill-gotten gains from the rich and gives to the poor. Oliver comes from Star City to Metropolis to aid in the recovery from Brainiac's deadly virus. While in town, he meets and is charmed by Lois Lane, igniting suspicion and a little jealousy in Clark. Oliver discovers Clark's abilities and asks Clark to join him in his new project - forming a league of superheroes.

Chloe is pleasantly surprised when former fling and aspiring photographer Jimmy Olsen (guest star Aaron Ashmore, "Veronica Mars") joins the staff of The Daily Planet, and the two rekindle their relationship.

Reinterpreting the Superman mythology from its roots, "Smallville" was developed for television by Alfred Gough & Miles Millar ("Shanghai Noon," "Spiderman 2"), based on the DC Comics characters. Gough and Millar serve as executive producers, along with Ken Horton, Mike Tollin, Brian Robbins and Joe Davola. The series is produced by Tollin/Robbins Productions, Millar/Gough Ink and Warner Bros. Television Production Inc. SUPERMAN was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster.

kat bwh ni akoo letak trailer pasal Smallville+Justice League....enjoy.....

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

When The Crap Got Angry!!!!


Attention to all friendster message forwarders:-

Please find something else to do, im sick and tired of receiving all of your pathetic messages. Please...please...please find something else worth to do besides forwarding messages in friendster and emails. Its not that u are the only person receiving them....i can take it if it is regarding something to remind us for example something regarding islam but please stop putting if you don't forward this message to 10 people than you will be cursed.....i bet a lot of people already cursed you just receiving your messages. Please think logically and i think you all are some pathetic people who got nothing to do in your pathetic life. fu*k all of you.....may you all die in a worse accident....damn it. I really don't care if u are my friend or not...all your stupid forwarded messages just cause me lots of trouble. Get a life man...get a life...try to google something or do something useful rather than forwarding some old messages.....believe me, you won't be cursed if you don't forward it to the next 10 person.....

Friday, February 02, 2007

A Series Of Unfortunate Crap

Samsons - Bukan Diriku

Hari ahad lepas, nuar msg akoo kat ym, ajak kuar jejalan. Lepak loyat katenya.....sebab bosan dirumah....akoo yang baru lepas mabuk layan 5 mubi back to back, selamba jerk nak follow...cadangnya nak usha installer, takpon usha wayang....time lepak kat time square...try usha wayang....takde cite best...pergi loyat plak...sume kedai dvd da kena rush....sangap!!!!!! ape mau bikin!!!!!!disebabkan ultra sangap....akoo selamba ajak nuar karaoke.....sblm usha tempat akoo calling afiq....nak ramaikan majlis....hahahahahahaha...afiq plak on jerk....so selamba la kitorang usha kat area BB tue....last last sampai la kat News KTV.....kat imbi....ape lagi...selamba la booking satu room......layan nak nyanyi.....akoo da target mau carik search atau wings....skali nuar ngan afiq sumenya layan band indo....adehh......layan punya layan...tertarik gak akoo lagu samsons nie.....

First akoo tertarik ngan vklip dia.....menceritakan sesuatu.....dan akoo teramat suke akan jln cite itu....huhuhuhuhuuhuh.....and seken....akoo agak suke lagu dia...hehehehehe...mellow jerkk......heheheheheheh....n seriyesly....akoo suke jln cite clip nie....hehehehehe....wadafak...akoo layan lagu jiwang neh.....

Okies...berbalek kepada a series of unfortunate events, well as we all know....our life is just like a roda......kengkadang kita kat atas...kengkadang kat bwh.....akoo sedang menghadapi sedikit detik detik kejatuhan skrg....and kujangkakan akan berlarutan maybe sampai tgh taun nie....so im preparing to face all the challenges now.....isk isk isk isk.....dem nak kena anta adik akoo gi skolah....karang la sambung...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Crap..Crap..Crap...for life

Malam Anugerah Filem Pendek 2006
Semalam akoo ke Malam Anugerah Filem Pendek....bersama sama ngan deha, matyie and aleyp......huhuhuhuhuhu...walaupun tak dicalonkan tapi akoo dengan muke tatau malu selamba jerk pergi....yerla sape soh anta kad jemputan kat akoo....akoo laju jerk nak membazirkan mase gi event event nie......sblm pergi ada gak akoo ckp ngan matyie...patut kerk akoo pergi...bukannya menang ape ape pon.....matyie ngan konpiden ckp....pergi jerk....at least pengalaman utk ko....bleh kenal sket org org dlm industri....hahahahahaha...poyo jerk.....mcm ler akoo ni bagus banget....heheheheh...anyway...memandangkan akoo pun cuti arinie...n gaji masuk tadi(yes..yes..yes..finally) akoo pun pergi ler ke malam anugerah tue.....sampai jerk kat sana....mak aih...punye ramai manusia...naek segan akoo....akoo duduk kat pintu masuk...tunggu si aleyp datang(dia naek keta laen sbb dia kerja smlm)....sekali ade makcik mane ntah tego akoo....dik tunggu kawan ker, kalo tak tunggu kawan masuk la dulu.......terkejut akoo....tetibe jerk org tegur...rupanya dia tegur sbb diorang tgh tunggu menteri....so cam tak elok la berpeleseran(betul kerk akoo eja???) kat depan tue....disebabkan segan kena sound n rase cam tak sedap ati nak sap okok kat situ....(yer la kate ade kereta siap taruk MENTERI kat depan tue...kang diorang saman akoo tak pepasal) maka akoo pun beralih la kat tempat laen.....nampak keta aleyp...dia kate takde parking n nak kena carik dulu....so tunggu la ngan deha n matyie......lepas aleyp sampai kitorang sume gerak masuk....akoo cuak sbb sblm ni org filem negara ckp tempat duduk peserta asing....takleh duduk ngna jemputa....so akoo pun selamba jerk naik atas....sekali kena jalan atas red carpet daa.....rase bangga la plak jalan sambil kamera amik gambar(mcm la akoo menang award) lepas menghadapi kamera pertama akoo terus masuk....nampak ramai kameraman dok amik gambar mamat mane ntah...pegang trofi...sah sah dia menang la tue(congrats anyway)....hahahahahahahahah...akoo masuk dalam....ade org tanye kad jemputan....akoo tunjuk ahh kaler pink...yang matyie,deha n aleyp nyer kaler oren.....dia kate takleh duduk sekali tapi leh dok dekat la....akoo pening...ape kebenda dia ngarut...so akoo selamba jerk jalan nak duduk...sekali org tanye akoo....awak ni juri kerk....terkejut beruk akoo...akoo ckp la....takde ahh saye peserta jerk...diorang suruh duduk kat bwh(ker depan...same jerk....kerusi cam wayang...makin kebawah)...so akoo selamba jerk suruh bebudak nie duduk tepi akoo....sampai kat bwh tue ade usherette(betul kerk akoo eja...dem kena belajar mengeja balek) pakai baju merah lagi....memule si deha nak gi toilet...akoo wat muke tatau malu tanye usherette tue.....pastue dia pun biasa la kasik instruction, deha gi toilet...pastue kitorang duduk kat situ...dia tanye...peserta kerk....akoo ckp jer la saye peserta...yg ni kengkawan datang....dia kate sebenarnya tempat duduk tu untuk peserta....tapi duduk jer la, buat tatau.....hahahahaha...bagus betul...pastue akak manis tue tanye lagi....buat cite ape..tajuk ape....akoo pun ngan muke tatau malu ckp la....saye tak tersenarai kak...datang nak tgk jerk sape menang...akak tue kate takpe taun depan cube lagi....uhuhuhuhuuhhuuh...yeah right..cube lagi taun depan...muahahahahahha......tgh dudk tunggu menteri datang...akoo tgk org laen sume ade buku program....pastue akoo ternampak ade cenderahati kat buku tue....ish mane bleh jadik neh...org laen dapat cenderahati akoo takdapat....akoo wat muke tatau malu tanye lagi akak manis tadik....kak saye tak dapat buku tue...leh mintak kerk(well...akoo memang tatau malu sket bila bab bab barang free neh....heheheheheh)....akak tue pun baek ati ckp....oo tak dapat kerk...takpe nanti akak amikkan....2 minit pastue akak tue datang balek...kasik kitorang buku tue.....hahahahahaha...suke akoo sbb dapat benda free(gi mampos ape korang nak ckp...janji akoo dapat benda alah tue) hahahahahahahahhahahaha......sekali aleyp ngan pantas tegur akoo....bob..bob...amy mastura...amy mastura....akoo toleh kanan...sekali nampak kak amy yg comel......isk isk isk.....sukenya akoo dapat jumpe kak amy live(akoo minat amy mastura dari kecik....dari dia Asia Bagus dulu sampai dia kawen n sampai skrg......time dia kawen dulu akoo frust giler...hahahahahahahahhaha...dem...dem...cite zaman memude)...huhuhuuhuhuhuh...akoo rase ramai la jugak artis yg datang...yg akoo perasan...amy mastura...jins shamsudin...nasha aziz...the gorgeous kak Vanidah Imran.....erma fatima...darling ngasri....pak ajis satar....norman KRU....aznil...n ramai lagi....kebanyakkannya penyampai anugerah(ciss...rugi akoo tak menang...dapat adiah dari kak amy kan best......) so mcm biasa....mlm anugerah tue berlangsung....ade la performance dari artis artis....n memacam lagi....tapi 2 benda jerk akoo concentrate....time kak amy jadik penyampai anugerah......n time the beautiful vanidah imran jadik penyampai anugerah.....hahahahahahahahahhaha....yang laen akoo tak amik kesah sangat.....pastue ade gimik dari cicakman.....cicakman datang salam ngan menteri time kumpulan The Times nyanyi lagu tema cicakman.....huhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuh....ade jugak persembahan dari Pretty Ugly.....hehehehhe...n Independent Women dari Dayang(first time tgk dayang nyanyi live depan mate).....hahahahhahahaha...sebenarnya banyak lagi persembahan...tapi kebanyakannya akoo tak amik port sangat....huhuhuhuhuhhu....sampai diorang umumkan kategori doku.....matyie ngan deha ajak balek.....akoo pun dah naek boring duduk dlm tue lame sangat...so kitorang kuar ahh....dok kat luar cadangnya nak masuk balek...sbb ade makan makan....tapi bile pk balek....kalo akoo balek lambat karang jem plak nak kuar....so memandangkan takde ape dah nak tgk....kitorang pun gerak....oh ya...lupe plak...Geng:The Beginning dah menang untuk semua kategori Anugerah Filem Pendek....keseluruhannya....so congratulations utk diorang...n moga diorang siap buat Geng The Movie tue.....hehehehehe...akoo da bajet diorang menang nyer......matyie n deha ade ckp sblm kitorang blah tue...bagus gak akoo datang majlis ni...at least inspiration utk akoo terus buat filem pendek....huhuhuhuuhuhuh...akoo pk pk balek...yer gak...at least ade la jugak semangat utk akoo teruskan buat filem pendek neh....hehehehehe....n komen akoo utk keseluruhan malam anugerah tue.....actually satu pengalaman baru sbb akoo nie mane pernah pergi award nite camtue....at least bile tgk org yang menang tue...ada gak la semangat nk buat lagi elok utk mase akan datang....so tunggu utk next exp vids akoo 'Karma' and 'Bila' (bila daa ko nak shoot.....)...pasal gambar plak...isk isk isk...malangnya adik ku membawa kamera digitalnya ke pangkor jadi akoo tiada kamera....kalo tak memang akoo panggil kak amy amik gambar ngan akoo...muahahahahhahaa......

The Illusionist

Pulangnya kami dari rtm....pergi makan kat williams....pastue gerak ker uptown...carik dvd....and akoo ternampak cite yg direkemen oleh tom adha amer yaseer hagen.......The Illusionist....ini akoo nak rekemen sama lu org.....pergi la tgk...seriyes...carik la dvd ker hape ker...rasanya takde kat panggung malaysia...diorang tak release....but seriously....the plot is good....the story is good...everything is good....and you'll be mesmerize with the story.....

What the eye see, the mind believe

So this is a couple of review about the film....

"Mesmerizing; the Illusionist casts an exquisitely bewitching spell with its dreamy atmosphere and persuasive sense of suspense. Neil Burger has fashioned a beautifully shot mystery, with precise and elegant attention to period detail, which heightens the sense of intrigue in this romantic thriller. The well crafted tale is bolstered by the powerful performance of Edward Norton. Just as strong are Paul Giamatti and Rufus Sewell. This suspenseful and stylish film has a welcome sense of originality. The story is rendered fluidly, with gorgeous production design, and the haunting score by Philip Glass adds to the spellbinding quality. It is a pleasure to see Edward Norton deliver yet another remarkable performance."

Claudia Puig - USA TODAY

"While lifetime achievement isn't enough to guarantee Giamatti anything, his subtle, pivotal performance in "The Illusionist" should be. It's worthy of the best supporting actor award."

Jason Katzman - MSNBC

"Fascinating parable about art, religion and politics, and the misty boundaries between them. If The Illusionist approaches the realm of art, its spell is heightened by a subtly mesmerizing Philip Glass score and cinematographer Dick Pope's flickering, sepia tinted visuals, evoking early motion pictures and 19th century daguerreotypes."


"Tantalizing! An elegant fable of art, love and politics! Edward Norton is at his best! Mysterious and mesmerizing!"

Peter Travers - ROLLING STONE

Cinta - sebuah kisah tentang kasih

Okies...sebelum akoo teruskan komen akoo...Ya..akoo tau cite ni dah lame kuar...baru skrg akoo tgk...and yg penting....takyah ler kata akoo JIWANG sbb tgk cite camnie....reason akoo tgk cite ni sbb org kate best...different...menarik...dan memacam lagi....so akoo tertanye tanye gak...bagus sangat kerk cite nie....akoo bukak website diorang...n tgk kat still photo dlm tue...perghhh...dahsyat.....nice cinematography....akoo tgk trailer diorang...mak aih.....memang boleh tahan hebat.....so smlm akoo pun tgk la cite neh........

Kalo sebelum nie akoo kate The Red Kebaya superb.....tak kurang jugak ngan cite Cinta neh.....memang agak superb dia nyer cinematography....and the way they shoot it...damn...salute you Kabir Bhatia......damn good man...the way they play it with the soundtrack....isk isk isk.....kalo camni la filem kat malaysia....memang salute abes la......at least taun lepas ade 3 movie yang akoo rase agak menarik....Red Kebaya....Cinta...n Cicakman(walaupun bagi akoo jalan cite dia kureng...at least inisiatif diorang bagus....the best....)

Akoo agak terkejut dengor lagu James Blunt dlm tue.....bebetul kena ngan mood plak tue....huhuhuhuhuhu....so anyway....akoo enjoy cite nie...and antara yang menarik pernah akoo tgk dari Malaysia....hehehehehe...so salute........it is really one of Malaysian Masterpiece....
so till now....chalee~~

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Malaysian Crap

Baru baru nie, apis msg akoo mintak tulun amik dia kat opis nun di TPM sana. Dia takde transpot nak balek....maka akoo yang baek hati nie pun bergegas ler ker opis dia. On the way nak ker opis tue akoo lalu LDP. Sampai jerk kat tol kat puchong tue akoo terkejut.....tengok arga tol yg selama ni rm1 dah jadi rm1.60. Wadafak.....

Akoo pun teringat pasal berita taun lepas yg cite pasal kenaikan arga tol starting Januari 2007. Isk isk isk......tak abih abih kerajaan nak naikkan kos idup kita rakyat malaysia neh.....Kalo tak silap akoo, 2 taun lepas ade satu post akoo yg cite pasal kenaikan arga minyak.....pastue kalo tak silap akoo taun lepas arga minyak naek lagi....pastue taun nie diorang kasi lagi hadiah kat kita rakyat malaysia ngan naikkan arga tol di 6 tol utama kat kl nie....dem....alasan dia...sbb kerajaan dah janji ngan syarikat konsesi....n selama ini kerajaan yg amat bagus tue dah bayar rm2 billion pada syarikat konsesi sebagai ganti rugi sbb tak kasi naek arga tol......sesungguhnya kita nie berada di bawah kerajaan yang amat prihatin....baeknya kerajaan tue.....huhuhuhuuhuhuhuhu

Tak cukup ngan tue....kerajaan kita jugak amat prihatin ngan isu siswazah menganggur.......di keluakannya blue print baru utk kementerian pelajaran malaysia....giler ahhh....dasyat.....tapi la...rasanya kan....kenapa agaknya ramai siswazah kat malaysia nie menganggur......adakah kerana kita nyer siswazah tak cekap utk bekerja....or kerana banyak kompeni complaint....siswazah malaysia demand gaji......kalau nak dipikir lojik ahh.....dengan kenaikan arga tol n minyak....wajar tak siswazah kita demand gaji? Apakah yang dikatakan ngan demand gaji tue?....okies nie ada cerita sikit pasal siswazah yang gi mintak kerja......seorang siszawah yg baru tamat pengajian diploma keluar pergi mintak kerja.....nak kata tak cekap....tak jugak...siswazah tue grad ngan 3pointer keatas....nak kata takde experiance....tak jugak...siswazah tue ada pengalaman freelance and pernah handle 2-3 project.....so siswazah yang penuh ngan cite cite nie pergi la memintak kerja di satu kompeni di malaysia....satu kompeni yg jugak menjadi agen website mencari kerja kat malaysia.....siswazah itu meletakkan gaji rm1200 negotiable, satu kadar yg boleh di bincang utk graduan diploma. Malangnya, manager kompeni itu mengatakan kadar itu terlalu tinggi.....dan siswazah itu patut mendapat rm900 sahaja, tanpa sebarang elaun atau OT. Siswazah nie pun kecewa, dan terus pulang.

Cerita seterusnya, pasal siswazah yg sama, memohon di sebuah syarikat luar yang baru bertapak di Malaysia. Siswazah itu meletakkan gaji rm1800 negotiable, satu kadar yang agak tinggi kerana gaji minimum yg ditawarkan adalah rm1800.....siswazah itu menghadiri interbiu dan yg menakjubkan....siswazah itu berjaya mendapat kerja tersebut dgn gaji pokok rm1800 belum termasuk elaun dan OT.....serta bonus.....

Cerita tue merupakan kisah benar seorang rakan akoo.....bukanlah akoo nak memperkecilkan kompeni kat malaysia nie.....tapi tolonglah pikir logik sikit....kos hidup makin lama makin naik.....bila fresh grad mintak gaji lebih sikit....kecoh kata fresh grad ni demand.....cube kita pk....seorang fresh grad uni swasta yg ada pinjaman ngan PTPTNIPU nak kena bayar balek pinjaman tue dah brape......kena lagi ngan kos idup yg makin lama makin naek nie......camana la diorang tak demand....inila padahnya kalo ada kerajaan yang prihatin sangat....

Itu baru cite pasal isu kos idup n bayaran gaji kat Malaysia....belum cite pasal corruption lagi......huhuhuhuhuhuuh....tapi malas la nak sentuh bab corruption nie....kang tak pepasal kena tahan ISA plak kang....cume yang akoo nampak....negara kita yang prihatin ni makin lama makin teruk......kengkadang terpk gak nak berambus jerk gi negara laen...tapi takot gak mati kena tembak kerk...gempa bumi kerk....huhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuh....jadi oleh itu......marilah kita sama sama demand gaji kat kompeni malaysia nie....muaahahahahahahahhahaha.....

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Crap::Redefined

Echoes Design::Redefine

Huuhuhuhhu, 2-3 ari ni akoo bercuti yang agak panjang, sbb masalah kesihatan sket.....so akoo mengambil kesempatan ni utk mengasah balek skill skill design n potosop akoo....hasilnya ialah logo or trademark baru utk Echoes Design.

Echoes Design::Redefine

Huhuhuhuhuhuh....so ape komen korang pasal trademark baru akoo...hehehehehe...akoo jugak ade mengedit satu slideshow, yang kalo korang tengok kat tepi belah kiri tue kata my crappy artwork, sebenarnya itu antara artwork akoo tapi mostly focus pada revolution Echoes Design nie....... tak sume artwork akoo masukkan dlm tue....huhuhuhuhuhu...ada gak yang akoo rejek....heheheheheh....so kalo nak view lagi puas ati...leh view kat bwh nie:-


Okies, selain dari Echoes Design yg dah di redefined tue....2 ari lepas akoo ade terime satu jemputan.....huhuhuhuuhuhuhuh....Jemputan ke Malam Anugerah Filem Pendek 2006.....muaahahahahahahha......but don't get me wrong....akoo selaku jemputan jerk.....bukannya pemenang anugerah....hahahahaha....akoo da check kat website AFP, seperti jangkaan akoo Deja Vecu tak tersenarai dlm 10 terbaik.....takpe maybe we are not good enough yet.....laen taun kitorang usaha lagi.......hehehehhehehehehe.....anyway..akoo galakkan korang sume try bukak website AFP2006 utk vote memana filem yang korang rasa layak utk menang....jadual siaran pun ada dlm website tue.....hehehehehehehehehe

The Invitation Card

Akoo pun tak sure lagi samaada nak pergi ker tak malam anugerah tue....huhuhuuhuhuhuh...so akoo rasa takat ni jer dulu....chalee~~