Semua Tentang Kita
Waktu terasa semakin berlalu
Tinggalkan cerita tentang kita
Akan tiada lagi kini tawamu
Tuk hapuskan semua sepi di hati
Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah
Saat kita berduka saat kita tertawa
Teringat disaat kita tertawa bersama
Ceritakan semua tentang kita

Waktu terasa semakin berlalu
Tinggalkan cerita tentang kita
Akan tiada lagi kini tawamu
Tuk hapuskan semua sepi di hati
Ada cerita tentang aku dan dia
Dan kita bersama saat dulu kala
Ada cerita tentang masa yang indah
Saat kita berduka saat kita tertawa
Teringat disaat kita tertawa bersama
Ceritakan semua tentang kita

Our Beloved Coordinator
You got into a college, you'll make new frens, you'll spend your time together for 2 and 1/2 years together. This is what you get:-
At first there was a 'geng','puak' or team, then you started to culture, started to mix with each other. At first you hated each other, you judge a person by its cover, but then you started to know them, things are gettin pretty well with you and you'll end up being his/her best fren. At first you were too shy or too proud to talk with them, but then you started a small conversation, which lead to an everlasting frenship. At first you hate everything about him/her, but then you'll end up being his/her soulmate. At first they told you that your batch was the worse batch in the college, but then they'll end up compliment your batch and keep mentioning your name. At first you'll never expect that your batch would have such bond, but then you end up with a really tight bond.
This is what happen to the DMT April 2003 batch. They started their days at the college with lots of 'puak', 'geng' and they end up with a really tight bond which will hold them forever. Who would expect the worse batch in the college would end up by being complimented by the CEO of the Multimedia College. Thanx a lot to the coordinator(pics), Pn Amelda who had played a major role in rebonding the DMT April 2003 batch. They end up being the best batch with an excellent in academics and co-curriculums.
Just got back from the prom dinner(and party as well), the most awesome and happening prom. Mr Anuar had edited a clips which is using the peterpan song(sob...sob...some of us burst into tears after seing the clips and song, it really mean a lot to us) Semua Tentang Kita. You should try listen to it, and imagine you have a clips that shows your activities with all of your frens, the smile and tears you shared with them, well what i could say that it really touched our heart. After watching this clip i realize that after this, we are graduated students and probably won't see each other again. By then i remember all the great memories we once shared together and it really touched me when i know that this is probably our last nite hangin out together....sob..sob...:(
~Not a crap...not a crap....~
At first there was a 'geng','puak' or team, then you started to culture, started to mix with each other. At first you hated each other, you judge a person by its cover, but then you started to know them, things are gettin pretty well with you and you'll end up being his/her best fren. At first you were too shy or too proud to talk with them, but then you started a small conversation, which lead to an everlasting frenship. At first you hate everything about him/her, but then you'll end up being his/her soulmate. At first they told you that your batch was the worse batch in the college, but then they'll end up compliment your batch and keep mentioning your name. At first you'll never expect that your batch would have such bond, but then you end up with a really tight bond.
This is what happen to the DMT April 2003 batch. They started their days at the college with lots of 'puak', 'geng' and they end up with a really tight bond which will hold them forever. Who would expect the worse batch in the college would end up by being complimented by the CEO of the Multimedia College. Thanx a lot to the coordinator(pics), Pn Amelda who had played a major role in rebonding the DMT April 2003 batch. They end up being the best batch with an excellent in academics and co-curriculums.
Just got back from the prom dinner(and party as well), the most awesome and happening prom. Mr Anuar had edited a clips which is using the peterpan song(sob...sob...some of us burst into tears after seing the clips and song, it really mean a lot to us) Semua Tentang Kita. You should try listen to it, and imagine you have a clips that shows your activities with all of your frens, the smile and tears you shared with them, well what i could say that it really touched our heart. After watching this clip i realize that after this, we are graduated students and probably won't see each other again. By then i remember all the great memories we once shared together and it really touched me when i know that this is probably our last nite hangin out together....sob..sob...:(
~Not a crap...not a crap....~
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