Storyline Release
Finally, i completed the story line for Deja Vecu......after been reviewed & approved by Apis. We haven't show it to the rest of the team yet since everybody is still busy with Raya. Im planning to present it to Mira tonight, only if he's back from his home town.
As i was discussing with Apis, he had this great idea to turn my storyline to a real experimental video. However, we might not complete it by 7th Disember 2006 since we need more time to finish it. We're going to discuss with the rest of the team first since to finish this project in time we need a 100% commitment. That mean we need to spend most of the time with the video. I don't think we can do that as some of us still have other commitment like work. To be optimist, we will still try our best.
For the team parts, luckily after promoting this blog to some of my frens, we are able to get a positive response. Now we got the equipment sponsor direct from singapore.....and also our own sound engineer. These are the updates on the team:-
The Team (Updated on 29th October 2006)
Me - Producer/Writer for "Deja Vecu"
Apis - The most outstanding video editor, cameraman, director,props.
Ijat - Producer/Writer for "Bila"
Mira - Advisor in all aspects, script, storyline, camera angle, video editing, props,casting and our designer
Shah - Not sure about his participation yet but if he involve, he will be the cameraman and handle props with apis.
Amar - Crew, moral support, props, "Deja Vecu" source.
Sam - He is the one who came out with the idea to enter a competition but still cannot confirm whether he in or not. If he confirm, he will be our Project Manager.
Kamal - Thanks to him, he said want to lend us some of the equipments. Will have to wait for him to come to Malaysia. (Finally our foreign help)
Nuar - Our new Sound Engineer. He will try to arrange the sounds for this video. (Might not be from local band...hehehehehe...another foreign help) He also will involve in the technical part such as video shooting, designing and etc....
U Guys - U guys can still volunteer coz we need as much help as we can get. Like i said, it could be anything, whether it is directly or indirectly. We appreciate your support.
So finally, we might not make it but we will still carry on this project for future competetion. Thats all for now. Chalee~~
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